Terms of use

    This is a contract between the user or player of the application "The Little Harmonica", hereafter referred to as "App" and the provider (see point 1.1). All regulations described here are the basic requirements for use of the App.
  1. Provider
    1. This app is provided and operated by:
      Blow Till Midnight Musikverlag GmbH
      Am Hang 48, 44267 Dortmund
      Email :
  2. Ranking
    1. The ranking list displays a player‘s name in connection with a score and ranking.
    2. Any player participating in the ranking must consider the following when creating his name:
      1. The name must not use any content that glorifies violence or brutality.
      2. The name must not contain erotic or sexual references.
      3. The name must not use racial references or content that could offend certain groups of people.
    3. We reserve the right to remove players from the leaderboard who, in our discretion, do not comply with the above rules. In this context, all points and other information may also be removed from the leaderboard and cannot be restored.
    4. We reserve the right to discontinue the ranking list temporarily or completely. This may happen for reasons of maintenance or an insufficient number of participating players.
  3. Virtual Reality
    1. Before using a virtual reality headset, make sure the environment is safe and there is enough space around you – no less than one meter (40 inches) in each direction. There should be no sharp, fragile or dangerous objects on the floor or in the immediate vicinity. It must be ensured that the player is in an enclosed space during the use of their virtual reality headset without the possibility of falling off somewhere or otherwise suffering physical harm. During use of the headset the play will not be able to see anything outside the virtual reality; hearing outside sounds may also be severely impaired.
    2. While using a virtual reality headset, be aware of your surroundings and fellow human beings and be aware of physical hazards in the real world. If in doubt, remove your virtual reality headset and make sure your surroundings are safe.
    3. Some people may experience nausea, loss of orientation, kinetosis, blurred vision, or other discomfort when using virtual reality systems. We recommend that you stop using the VR headset immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.
    4. We would like to point out that parents and guardians with supervisory responsibilities are responsible for their charges' use of the app and must ensure that all safety precautions are observed and that the child's health is not impaired.